Thursday 8 August 2013

A taste of their own medicine!

So, what do you do when faced with a group of ubercool wannabee teens? In the good old days, teenagers were exactly that! The attitude, moods and eye-rolling started the moment the thirteenth birthday candle was blown out and lingered until the end of year nineteen.  These days, however, typical teenagers are not defined by chronological age, but rather attitude!

So it should really not  have come as a surprise when I reprimanded a petite and doll-like nine year old for her behaviour in assembly by asking "Did you move here to talk to your friend?" I received a very pert and confident "Of course!', accompanied  by a roll of the eyes and a flip of the hair as if to say "Grown-ups - I'm so over them!"  I must admit that my teeth gnashed  uncontrollably as I drew myself up to an imposing height ready to annihilate her with the death ray stare, but then I felt rather sad that she was probably missing out on so many other things in her leapfrog to precocious teenagerdom, that I restrained myself and resorted to the next best thing, a throwback to my own teenage years. I looked her straight iin the eye and gave a very dramatic sigh and and an over the top roll of my eyes before shrugging my shoulders and walking away!

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